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Monday,10 February, 2025
General Fouad Chehab
His Excellency President General Fouad Chehab
Presidential Term: 23 September 1958 to 22 September 1964

Name: Fouad Abdallah Chehab
Date and place of birth: 19 March 1902 - 25 April 1973, Ghazir-Kesrouan
Marital Status:Married to Rose René Poitieux.

Educational Background:
  • School Education at the Frères School - Jounieh.

Military and Political Qualifications:
  • Graduated as Lieutenant on September20, 1923 from the Military Academy in Damascus
  • Appointed Commander of the Lebanese Army on August 1, 1945, becoming thus the first Commander of the Army
  • As a Commander of the Lebanese Army, he led his forces in the conflict in Palestine from May 14, 1948 until March 21, 1949
  • Appointed Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior and of National Defense on September 18, 1952 while retaining his position as Commander of the Lebanese Army 18-30 September 1952
  • Appointed Minister of National Defense as of November 18, 1956 while retaining his position as Commander of the Lebanese Army
  • Once elected President of the Republic, he retired from the position of Army Commander on September 23, 1958
  • His election to the Presidency came in the wake of the 1958 hostilities succeeding H.E. President Camille Chamoun.

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