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Saturday,27 July, 2024
Conception of the President of the Republic of Lebanon, General Michel Sleiman for a “comprehensive National Defense Strategy” distributed to the participants at the National Dialog meeting of September 20, 2012
Numerous dangers threaten Lebanon, most of them coming from the Israeli enemy, and pose challenges for the State to face them by putting forth a National Defense strategy based on the Constitution, the laws, the requirements of coexistence and the resolutions of the international legitimacy.
First: The dangers
a. The Israeli enemy:
1- Repeatedly attacks the Lebanese sovereignty through daily air, land and sea violations, and constantly threatens to strike the infrastructure, which adversely affects national security and economy.
2- Continues to occupy a part of the Lebanese territories in the North of the village of Ghajar, the Shebaa Farms and the Kfarshouba Hills.
3- Covets a part of our water and oil wealth.
b. Terrorism:
Some terrorist groups are trying to attract supporters on Lebanese territories and to find a host environment in some poor agglomerations and in the Palestinian camps, as they are seeking to undermine the prestige of the State by targeting its security forces in view of weakening them, and the United Nations Forces in order to force them to back off from carrying out their missions and to withdraw their troops.
c. Arms:
They are arbitrarily spreading in the hands of Lebanese citizens, parties, organizations and factions, and Palestinian Refugees, bearing various slogans, most of them contributing to ignite sedition among the Lebanese, threatening national unity, depleting the military forces and distracting them from their national duty to defend the land and fight terrorism.

Second: Countering the dangers
To counter these dangers, “the capabilities of the State must be enhanced, and its potentials must be developed in order to resist any attack on the national land and any aggression waged against it, and to guarantee the sovereignty of the State and the safety of the citizens” (Article 1 of the National Defense Law). These capabilities are embodied in the military, political, economic, diplomatic, media and educational resources... which have to be used within a comprehensive strategy whose backbone is the Lebanese Army.
Third: Foundations of the Strategy
a. To uphold the general truce agreement signed on March 23, 1949, and “to take all the necessary measures to free all the Lebanese territories”, based on Chapter III of the National Entente Document, under the title of liberating Lebanon from the Israeli Occupation.
This requires to work precisely on ending the occupation of the Northern Part of the Ghajar village, the Shebaa Farms and the Kfarshouba Hills, with all the available and legitimate means, while pursuing, in parallel, the process of delineation of Lebanon’s international borders set out in Resolution 1701.
b. To compel Israel to implement all the provisions of Resolution 1701, which has embodied in practical facts the frame drawn by the National Entente Document, in terms of deploying the Lebanese Army in the border area, consolidating the presence and action of the UNIFIL in the South, and executing what was stipulated by the Strategic Review undertaken by the Lebanese Army with these Forces, under UN supervision, and which aims at:
1- Transferring progressively some of the UNIFIL missions to the Lebanese Army (land forces and marine forces).
2- Providing the Lebanese army with modern equipment and weapons.
3- Establishing a training facility to increase the readiness of the military forces deployed in the South.
c. To activate Lebanon’s international presence through direct diplomacy, to improve the performance of the diplomatic missions in the capitals of international and regional decisions and international organizations, and to promote the relations with them in view of protecting Lebanon’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, to recover the parts that are still under occupation, to prevent any form of settlement, and to find a just and comprehensive solution for the Middle East problem, according to the Arab Peace Initiative, a solution that protects Lebanon’s interests.
d. To promote the military capabilities by:
1- Adopting a medium-term program-law to arm, equip and train the Lebanese Army and provide it with the sufficient resources to develop its human and military capabilities, in order to enable it to set up a plan to defend the Lebanese land, air and sea.
2- According to Article 65 of the Constitution and to the National Defense law, and till the Army is provided with the appropriate strength to undertake its missions, agreeing upon the suitable frames and mechanisms to use the arms of the resistance and achieve their command, and to acknowledge placing them at the disposal of the Army which is exclusively in charge of using the elements of force, in view of supporting it in the execution of its military plans mentioned earlier in article “d (1)”, while asserting that the resistance does not begin to act but after occupation.
e. To take all political measures to build the State’s institutions, impose the State’s authority, and promote the security forces in order to control security, counter terrorism, prevent strife, and develop economic capabilities, and especially to accelerate the procedures aimed at exploiting Lebanon’s full rights to its water and oil wealth, in line with the Baabda Declaration issued on 11/6/2012, with the determination and outspoken commitment by all Dialog parties to literally abide by the Declaration and defend its provisions.